The New Science Links 3
A series intended for Grades 1-6 which aims to develop appreciation for Science by focusing on its applications to real life.
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Chapter 0
Lesson 0
Chapter 1
Lesson 2
Topic 4
This activity will let the pupils identify the different parts of the human eye.
Topic 5
The activity will let the pupils identify the function of each part of the human eye.
Topic 7
This activity will help the pupils understand the different ways on how to keep the eyes healthy.
Lesson 3
Topic 10
In this activity, pupils should be able to identify the different parts of the ear given the parts and the picture.
Topic 11
The activity will let the pupils identify the function of each part of the human ear.
Topic 12
The activity will let the pupils identify the different ear defects and diseases.
Lesson 4
Topic 14
The activity will let the pupils identify the parts and function of the nose.
Lesson 5
Topic 17
The activity will let the pupils identify the parts and function of the tongue.
Topic 18
This activity will let pupils draw the different ways on how to keep the tongue healthy.
Lesson 6
Topic 1
This crossword activity will help the pupils identify the sensory organs used given the senses.
Topic 2
This loop-a-word activity will help the pupils familiarize themselves on the different parts of the sensory organs given the words.
Topic 3
This visual presentation introduces the 5 senses. Each part is being explained including their functions.
This visual presentation is an activity on the senses. It starts with an instruction putting the mouse pointer 2cm away from the center.
The activity will help pupils familiarize themselves on the parts of the sensory organs and the diseases of the sensory organs.
Topic 22
This activity will let the pupils write the best ways to keep the skin healthy.
Topic 23
Given the different scenarios, this activity will let the pupils explain procedures on how to give first aid for the eyes, nose, ears and skin.
Chapter 3
Lesson 2
Topic 45
This activity will help pupils classify animals according to given categories (with/w/o backbone, cold and warm blooded etc.)
Lesson 3
Topic 43
This activity will help pupils identify or describe the functions of each body part of the animals found in the locality.
Lesson 4
Topic 46
This activity will expose pupils to the practices and concern for taking care of animals.
Topic 48
Given the following situations, pupils will be exposed to the first aid for insect and animal bites.
Chapter 5
Lesson 1
Topic 3
This visual presentation is about the 3 states of matter. Activities on the different states of matter are given, including synthesis on its effects in our daily lives.
Topic 55
In this activity pupils will list five objects. Given the five objects, pupils will list the characteristics of each according to size, shape, color, texture and odor.
Topic 56
This loop-a-word activity will help the pupils be familiar with matter given the words.
Topic 57
This activity will help familiarize pupils with the states of matter in terms of distance between molecules, volume, and shape.
Topic 58
This crossword puzzle will help the pupils familiarize themselves on the different properties of matter.
Chapter 6
Lesson 2
Topic 63
This fill in the blanks activity will help pupils increase their knowledge on sound and its properties given the words in the box.
Chapter 8
Lesson 2
Topic 69
This activity differentiates soil into clay, sand and loam soil.
Lesson 3
Topic 73
In this activity pupils will have identify the sources of water, their characteristics and uses in the given chart.
Chapter 9
Lesson 1
Topic 74
Using cutouts of weather forecast clipping, this activity will help pupils understand the concept of weather.
Topic 75
This activity will help pupils understand clouds better. Also, they will be able to illustrate clouds and how they are formed.
Lesson 2
Topic 77
This activity will let the pupils think of ways on how to address problems concerning typhoons. This will include safety measures during weather disturbances.
Chapter 10
Lesson 1
Topic 78
This loop-a-word activity will help the pupils be familiar with the planets and other heavenly bodies that move around the sun.
Lesson 2
Topic 79
This activity will help the pupils understand the uses of sun in our daily lives as well as its harmful effects.